Tax Reforms Agenda for Self-Sustainability
Dr. Ikramul HaqThere is a general consensus that Pakistan needs full throttled reforms in all areas of governance and institutions if it has to achieve high, equitable and sustainable growth of seven percent and above assuring prosperity for all citizens—PIDE…
Pakistan & FATF mandate
Huzaima Bukhari, Dr. Ikramul Haq & Abdul Rauf ShakooriThe Financial Action Task Force (FATF) released the Report on the State of Effectiveness and Compliance with the FATF Standards in April 2022. This report contains a comprehensive overview of the state…
Daunting challenges, withering national unity
Huzaima Bukhari, Dr. Ikramul Haq & Abdul Rauf ShakooriThe industrial sector is the backbone of economic progress. It works as a major source of employment and its growth paves way for sustainable development. For Pakistan, the growth of small-scale and…
The quest for tax reforms
Huzaima Bukhari & Dr Ikramul HaqThe Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) surpassed the revised targets for fiscal year (FY) 2020-2021 and for the first four months of the current FY (see details below) as elaborated by Chairman of FBR in…
Human Trafficking: New Trends
Huzaima Bukhari“Human trafficking is not only an injustice to the victim, but it is an injustice unto the families and friends of that victim”—Asa Don BrownThe world today is in turmoil. A cursory look around would show signs of unrest,…
Pakistan, IMF & SBP
Huzaima Bukhari & Abdul Rauf ShakooriShehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan’s maiden visit to the Gulf seems to be fructuous and is expected to generate desired results. During this tour, he met with the leadership of Saudi Arabia and the…
Will the blame game continue?
Huzaima Bukhari“When you blame others, you give up your power to change”—Robert AnthonyLife has its ups and downs. When the going is good, we take full credit but when faced with misfortunes, we look for a scapegoat to place the…
Rising inflation & remedial actions
Huzaima Bukhari, Dr. Ikramul Haq & Abdul Rauf ShakooriThe evolving global and local geopolitical landscape is posing serious economic challenges for the new government in Pakistan in the backdrop of an already ailing economy. In the recent months and especially…
Daunting challenges for new government
Huzaima Bukhari, Dr. Ikramul Haq & Abdul Rauf ShakooriPakistan at the moment is going through chronic political and economic turmoil. The most critical elements of the present crisis are polarisation of society and the effects of populist economic decisions of…