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October 27, 2023
Huzaima Bukhari & Dr. Ikramul Haq The administrative burden of tax compliance is hardest in Pakistan where firms have to make 47 payments and spend 594 hours (or 74 man days per year) dealing with tax regulations versus 12 payments and 175 hours in high income OECD countries—Toward a More Business Friendly Tax Regime: Key Challenges...
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Huzaima Bukhari & Dr. Ikramul Haq “….the raison d’être of establishing special tribunals has been to dispense better quality of justice where people, better trained in particular fields and disciplines could provide quality decisions and resolution of disputes…. Appointing members to these tribunals on political basis or who are otherwise incompetent or have doubtful integrity...
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Huzaima Bukhari & Dr. Ikramul Haq Tumultuous existence of 71 years of our nationhood has witnessed many upheavals— a journey from crisis to crisis has at its core the struggle for establishing a true democratic polity and a welfare state. The way united opposition is agitating alleged pre and post poll rigging in the aftermath...
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From endorsement to denial Huzaima Bukhari & Dr. Ikramul Haq In the last 60 years of its existence, the State of Pakistan has faced a daunting challenge of establishing true democratic polity based on constitutional supremacy. The long military rules and in between experiments of “controlled democracy” has denied the people of Pakistan their sovereign...
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Reality behind ‘war on terror’ Huzaima Bukhari & Dr. Ikramul Haq  On September 9, 2001, seventeen years ago, a gruesome and heinous crime against humanity was committed in New York—wanton attack on twin towers of World Trade Centre that symbolized the financial might of United States of America. Without admitting and investigating massive security lapses,...
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By Huzaima Bukhari Taxation is a lot like sheep shearing. As long as you shear a sheep, it will continue to produce a new crop of wool but you can skin the animal only once.  Anonymous Will it not be wonderful to live in a society where there is an overall atmosphere of well-being? Where...
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2/12/2014Withdrawal of tax exemptions/concessions: Rs 520 billion impact to help bridge fiscal deficit | Business RecorderWithdrawal of tax exemptions/concessions:Rs 520 billion impact to help bridge fiscaldeficitFebruary 12, 2014ZAHEER ABBASI & SOHAIL SARFRAZ0 CommentsThe government provides over Rs 520 billion annual tax exemptions and concessionsthrough Statutory Regulatory Orders (SROs) to wealthy, influential, and affluent people.The withdrawal of these concessions can help reduce the fiscal deficit. The InternationalMonetary Fund (IMF) Mission Chief Jeffrey Franks in an exclusive interview to BusinessRecorder revealed that tax authorities have determined the monetary value of theseexemptions and concessions at 2 percent of the GDP.At present, a committee constituted by Prime Minister is reviewing income tax, sales tax and customs duty concessions andexemptions granted through SROs. The FBR will begin amending existing SROs subsequent to suggestions of all thestakeholders. Sources said the withdrawal of exemptions and concessions allowed through SROs may be politicallychallenging for the government. The business community is PML-N”s major constituency which accounts for the withdrawal ofnumerous budgetary proposals that affected the business community in recent months. At the launch ceremony of moneywhitening scheme on November 29, Finance Minister Ishaq Dar disclosed that 25 proposals out of 26 presented by thebusiness community have been implemented by the government.On the following day, speaking at a seminar, Member Inland Revenue of Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) stated that the taxauthorities have been facing pressure from business community not to begin implementation of the budgetary tax measures. Ifthe budget approved by the Parliament is not acceptable to some then Parliament and not the FBR, has the right to reversethose decisions.Withdrawal of exemptions and concession could increase the tax collection by Rs 520 billion, help broaden the much neededtax base and ultimately reduce the fiscal deficit. Sources said the monetary impact of 0.4 percent of GDP through withdrawal ofexemptions and concessions from next fiscal year, as stated by the IMF Mission Chief, are estimated to generate over Rs 105billion.According to officials in Finance Ministry, the government is going to withdraw all exemptions and concessions granted tovarious sectors through SROs except those pertaining to essential commodities, goods and pharmaceuticals. The phase-wiseimplementation which was previously planned from April 1, 2014, may now begin from next fiscal year. He further stated that, inprinciple, the decision to this effect has been taken and now the business community is being taken on board.The official further stated that meetings have been going on during the last four months in the Finance Ministry with Dar in thechair with the senior officials of the FBR to run through the entire list of SROs issued by successive governments providingexemptions to various sectors. Items have been categorised for withdrawal of exemptions under a phase-wise plan with thefirst proposed phase for implementation commencing in the fourth quarter of the current fiscal year.Copyright Business Recorder, 2014http://www.brecorder.com/taxation/181/1152613/?tmpl=component&print=1&layout=default&page=1/32/12/2014Withdrawal of tax exemptions/concessions: Rs 520 billion impact to help bridge fiscal deficit | Business RecorderTw eet 10http://www.brecorder.com/taxation/181/1152613/?tmpl=component&print=1&layout=default&page=2/32/12/2014Withdrawal of tax exemptions/concessions: Rs 520 billion impact to help bridge fiscal deficit | Business Recorderhttp://www.brecorder.com/taxation/181/1152613/?tmpl=component&print=1&layout=default&page=3/32012 PTD 554 = 2013 108 TAX 155

[Federal Tax Ombudsman]Before Dr. Muhammad Shoaib Suddle, Federal Tax Ombudsman WAHEED SHAHZAD BUTTVersusSECRETARY, REVENUE DIVISION, ISLAMABAD Complaint No.286/LHR/IT/(240)/577 of 2011, decided on 16th December, 2011. (a) Income Tax Ordinance (XLIX of 2001)— —-S.153(1)(b)—F.B.R. letter C.No.1(6)WHT/2009 dated 4-7-2009—F.B.R. CircularNo.3 of 2009 dated 17-7-2009—F.B.R. Circular No.6 of 2009 dated 18-8-2009–F.B.R. Letter C.No.1(10)WHT/2006-Part-III dated 1-11-2010—F.B.R. letterNo.1(25)WHT/2009 dated 26-4-2011—Payments...
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December 27, 2016 marks the ninth death anniversary of Benazir Bhutto, the great visionary leader, who resisted with great courage the agenda of obscurantist forces that have been trying to push Pakistan to a theocratic State, incapable of progressing towards an egalitarian and democratic polity. Dr. Ikramul Haq The act of great courage demonstrated by...
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Huzaima Bukhari & Dr. Ikramul Haq  On September 9, 2001, twelve years ago, a gruesome and heinous crime against humanity was committed in New York—wanton attack on twin towers of World Trade Centre symbolizing financial might of USA. Without explaining such a massive security lapse, George Bush and his team immediately blamed Al-Qaeda for blatant...
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Huzaima Bukhari & Dr. Ikramul Haq  “The United States has confirmed it is asking Pakistan for help in facilitating the Afghan government’s direct peace talks with the Taliban insurgency”— Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Had there been no 9/11, it is doubtful that American soldiers would have ever invaded Afghanistan. Their mission was to apprehend...
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